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Jones, 41, represented Ireland 34 times from 2009 to 2012. As NCU Cricket Development Officer, he retired from international cricket in 2013. He won six titles as Leinster Lightning head coach in 2019.

Northern Ireland will host the national Talent Pathway Coach position. The role will build on the Ireland Talent Pathway Programme (ITPP) to create sustained success and competitive under-19 teams that can win the ICC Under-19 World Cup and develop First Class and International men’s and women’s players who can compete globally.

Sport Northern Ireland contributes.

“Most Irish cricket fans know Nigel, and we’re delighted he’s accepted the role. We believe Nigel will contribute his vast expertise and experience to this vital post.

The job is vital to Ireland’s talent route, ensuring that schools, clubs, and Provincial Unions feed into Cricket Ireland’s national age-group squads and National Academy.

Nigel will support and lead Cricket Ireland’s talent development plan and coach some or all under-15s through under-19s national boys and girls young teams.

Nigel will offer a professional and ambitious attitude to the post, having played with him in the national team and worked with him in Irish coaching.

We appreciate Cricket Leinster for helping us create a seamless transition plan and look forward to Nigel joining us later this month.”

By Sanjh

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